4/28 Friday Folder
WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner Follow the WHS Tech page : Is your student doing research for a paper? Make sure they are utilizing the best research-related websites. Try "Answerland," an information service available to Oregon residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on which live librarians help find answers to questions and provide research guidance . For this link to this research resource and more, click here: http://bit.ly/WHSlibrary Library tip of the week : It is back! SYNC, a free summer audiobook program for teens 13+, returned on April 27, 2017, giving away two complete audiobook downloads a week - pairs of high interest titles, based on weekly themes for FREE. In 2016, 30 titles were given away over 15 weeks...and this year it looks like 17 titles are on the calendar. WHS students can listen to audio books on their Chromebooks or phones, just g...