9/29 Friday Folder
WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner Canvas : Parent login to Canvas is just around the corner. If you missed the Back to School Night presentation about Parental Canvas accounts, you can find it here: http://bit.ly/WHSbacktoschool Want a sneak peek at what Canvas looks like? Check out our public All Students Page: http://bit.ly/WHSCANVAS . Check back next week to see if Parent Access is up and running. Digital Citizenship tip of the week : In the age of the internet, with just a few clicks, almost anything can be downloaded. But just because we can download something, does that mean we should ? Reminding students of copyright laws, and reminding them of the importance of citing their sources--even on images--will help them to not only become better digital citizens, but succeed in college and beyond. Click the link for helpful tips on how...