WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Digital Citizenship tip of the week:   When digital devices become familiar, protecting and being aware of your digital life is important.  Making good decisions with a Chromebook, a phone, or any other electronic device involves understanding how to live in a digital world safely and respectfully.  Here are some tips that you can discuss with your student:  http://bit.ly/2g9Fv0c

Chromebooks:  BSD uses a set of appliances from Palo Alto Networks to provide Internet filtering on devices located inside the BSD network.  For filtering on Chromebooks and other devices that are checked out to students for use at home and school, BSD has contracted with Lightspeed Systems to provide a cloud based filter.  For more information about these filter and what they do:  http://bit.ly/2fi9tOO

Experience the Theater for Free:  Looking for something to do over break?  Bag & Baggage theater in Hillsboro is performing Parfumerie and you can attend for free with the Passport Program.  Bag @ Baggage's PASSPORT Program provides high school students from a four county region with free, on-demand tickets to any Bag & Baggage performance. The process is simple: if you are a student at a high school, tribal school, online academy, charter school or registered home school student from Washington, Yamhill, Columbia or Tillamook county you simply show up at the box office, show a valid student id and get a free ticket.  Over the years, thousands of students have taken advantage of this program to experience the joys of live theatre for free.

Follow the WHS Student Tech updates page: The Google+ page for the scoop on educational resources and information about Canvas, Chromebooks, GoogleApps, Digital Citizenship, and more:  https://goo.gl/9R45yq


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