Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner
Follow the WHS Tech page: Organizing your Google Inbox and Drive can lead to better academic success.  Learn how to utilize the full power of Google Drive, how to unclutter your inbox, and more at   Or, check out our website for information about useful apps to enhance your Chromebook:

Library Gaming Event: Did you know you can check out video games for the majority of your gaming systems at your local library?  If you found them at a different library, no problem.  Put in a request and they will be delivered to your local branch.  Not sure which game you want?  Sherwood library is holding a Teen Wii-U and X-Box One gaming event February 18th from 1p-5p.  Click here for more information. 

Digital Citizenship tip of the week:   The internet has a long memory.  Sometimes our students are unaware of how their actions online cannot be undone.   It may help to explain to teens that everything leaves a digital footprint.  Information can be searched and passed along to thousands of people. Others can pass on that information too, so if they don’t want to see something public tomorrow, they’d better not post it today.   Check out this helpful reference on digital footprints.:


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