6/16 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner
Chromebooks:  As students are looking for their textbooks and school supplies to return at the end of the year,  just a reminder:  Districtwide, all Chromebooks (and their chargers) will be handed back in on June 21st (or before).  Chromebooks in need of repair should be delivered to Mrs. Renning in the library ASAP so that they can be restored over the summer, as students will be receiving their exact device back in the fall.  Lost Chromebooks or chargers will incur a fine, and  Chromebooks that are not returned will be disabled.  

Library tip of the week Looking forward to doing some summer reading?  Remember to sign up for the WCCLS Summer Reading Program between 6/1 and 7/24.  You can register online, then read or listen to audio books for 15 hours over the summer to claim your prize between 7/10 and 8/20.  Plus, there are weekly prizes for students who submit book reviews, with a grand prize of $100.  Check it out here:  http://bit.ly/WCCLSSummerReading2017

Digital Citizenship tip of the week We all want to Be Internet Awesome, and Google just rolled out a gamified Digital Citizenship tutorial with just that goal in mind.  Though some of the content may be review, the information is still useful and the games are pretty fun.  Have some time this weekend?  You may want to give Interland a whirl:  http://bit.ly/2017BIA


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