12/1 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

There will be a Canvas Parent night at Five Oaks Middle School on December 4th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  Please come for a slice of pizza and time to learn about Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS):  how to navigate the website, see how teachers who are using Canvas post assignments, give feedback, and communicate with students.  You will also have an opportunity to create your own Parent/Guardian Canvas account, this allows you to see what your students are working on in their classes. Older students available to help entertain younger children as you work with us.  If you are interested in attending, please use this RSVP link:  http://bit.ly/PRSVP 

Library:   Many students love to read, and they love to use the WCCLS eAccess library card.  There is a new way to search.  Add this extension, and it will show you what books are available at your library anywhere online (e.g. if you are searching Amazon or GoodReads, it will inform you of how many physical and ecopies are available at your local library).  Check out how to install the extension by using this link: http://bit.ly/22search

Digital Citizenship: When kids connect online with each other from a distance or through a screen name, it can affect the way they behave. For example, their actions can feel removed from consequences or free from discovery. When people are anonymous, it's easier to behave irresponsibly, cruelly, or unethically. Others may simply misinterpret the tone and context of messages or posts. Kids need a code of conduct for using the Internet and mobile media just as they need a code of conduct in the offline world. They should be empowered to be good digital citizens, in addition to being good citizens in general. To start a conversation with your student, use this link for help.http://bit.ly/OnlineEthics


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