6/15/18 Friday Folder
WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner
Chromebooks: Many students still have their Chromebooks, but they will need to decide soon: turn it in to the library or retain it for working over the summer? Remember: all students who will be returning to Westview next school year are able to keep their Chromebooks over the summer, but in order to opt-in students need to: bring their Chromebook, Chromebook cord, and Opt-in forms to the library (for a new form, click here: http://bit.ly/whslibrary2). Chromebooks that have not been properly checked out by the library for the summer will be disabled (i.e. they will not allow students to login after the last day of the school year).Library: Heading into summer, did you know that WCCLS will be having a Game Truck, loaded with a massive library of video games and a climate controlled game theater pulling up your library. Click here for dates: http://bit.ly/summertruck18Digital Citizenship tip of the week: We all want to Be Internet Awesome, and Google rolled out a gamified Digital Citizenship tutorial with just that goal in mind. Though some of the content may be review, the information is still useful and the games are pretty fun. Have some time this weekend? You may want to give Interland a whirl: http://bit.ly/2017BIA
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