WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Westview Library to Expand 100X!
Westview High School is pleased to announce an exciting new partnership with the Washington County Cooperative Library System (WCCLS). The WCCLS ecard that Westview students will receive later this month will grant students access to the library system’s online databases, ebooks and digital audiobooks. This free service provides us with a collection that is over 100 times larger than our own.

As we move forward with this partnership, it is important to note that students will be taking on new responsibilities* for their learning:
  • Students will automatically be able to download eContent with their new library cards at no charge. This includes ebooks, audiobooks and access to all the online databases.
  • If students wish to check out physical materials from a local WCCLS library, students will need to bring photo ID and proof of address to any WCCLS library to activate this feature of their card.
  • Students can reserve materials online but must pick them up and return them to one of the local branches of WCCLS. Sunset is not a drop off location for any physical items.
  • Students are responsible for physical items that are checked out from a library. In general, there is a fine of $0.15 forevery day that an item is late. Some items like DVDs are $1 a day. 
  • Students will be asked to follow the “Terms of Use” agreement that is highlighted on the bookmark that they will receive with their card.
  • Exciting collaborations like this don’t happen without the earnest commitment of our community partners. We are extremely grateful for the work that Cedar Mill Young Adult and Reference Librarian Mark Richardson has done to expand the learning opportunities for students in the Westview community.

Thank you all for your continued support of Westview High School.

*Parents, as always, have the right to exclude their students from this service.  Please email Westview Library and Instructional Technology Teacher Christina Schulz (christina_schulz@beaverton.k12.or.usif you would like your student to opt out of the WCCLS partnership.

YA Sci-Fi author Fonda Lee will discuss her book Zeroboxer at the Cedar Mill Library on Oct. 14th 2-3:30p. Teens 11-18 can enjoy a mixed martial arts demonstration and pick up a free copy of the book before the presentation while supplied last. For more information: wccls.com
The office needs to have your Digital Resource Permission Form turned in for your student by Oct. 17th.  Click here to download it:  https://goo.gl/Ltn8mw
Follow WHS Student Tech at Google+ for the scoop on educational resources and information about Canvas, Chromebooks, GoogleApps, and more:  https://goo.gl/9R45yq


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