Huddle Up with Harrington for a College Scholarship

What is the OCQS?

The Oregon Community Quarterback Scholarship is a renewable four-year collegiate scholarship program for Oregon high school seniors who are emerging leaders, and plan to attend an Oregon university or trade school. The program is intended to facilitate the growth of promising leaders in the state of Oregon by developing the skills needed to flourish their local communities. By helping to open doors in the business sector, these emerging leaders will remain planted and invested in the state of Oregon.
This is a need-based scholarship with criteria focusing on an individual’s involvement in his or her community, rather than academic or athletic performance.
Four scholarships will be issued for the 2017/2018 academic year. Each scholarship is worth $2,500 per year for a total commitment of $40,000 a year in perpetuity. New to the scholarship selection this year: interviews will be conducted by the HFF Scholarship Committee for the top ten (10) scholarship finalists.
Questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at, message us on Facebooktweet us @harringtonff or call 855.868.3549
Good luck!

The application deadline is March 31, 2017APPLY NOW for our 2017 Oregon Community Quarterback Scholarship.
For more information, go here: 


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