11/1 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner
Canvas:  Want to see the library resources available at home for your students on Canvas?  Click here to view our WHS Library and Research Resources page http://bit.ly/whslibrary2 .  Students have access to librarian approved research databases and search engines at school and at home.  

Library:  Does your student have a library card?  Washington County Cooperative Library Service has made it super:  http://bit.ly/onlinewccls  With the eAccess library card, students can check out audio and eBooks, get free online tutoring, and utilize many services.  The best part:  no fines or fees!  

Digital Citizenship 
From coverage of the latest natural disaster to the current news from Hollywood, news media is part of our students daily lives.  To help make sense of current events, sifting fact from opinion--or misinformation--check out this Common Sense Media help page:  http://bit.ly/whsexplainingnews


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