2/2/18 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Canvas:  Parent/Guardian Parent Night: Parents and guardians are invited to a Canvas Parent Night atSunset High School on Monday, February 26 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm for a slice of pizza, and time to learn about Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS). Come explore how to navigate Canvas and see how teachers who are using Canvas post assignments, give feedback, and communicate with students.  You will have an opportunity to create your own Parent/Guardian Canvas account. This allows you to see what your students are working on in their classes.  If you have already created an account you will have an opportunity learn how to successfully navigate Canvas.  Student leaders are available to help entertain younger children as you work with us.  If you are interested, please RSVP here: http://bit.ly/RSVPparentcanvas

Library: Can you make a wallet out of duct tape?  What about a bag or a bowtie? Let your imagination be your guide as we see what we can make out of Duct Tape.  Free event for ages 11-18. Duct Tape Crafts @ Bethany Community Room Friday, February 2, 1-2 PM Click here for information on this event and more: http://bit.ly/CedarMillDuctTape

Digital Citizenship:  Giving kids a vocabulary for how to talk about what happens online can be helpful. Unfortunately, cyberbullying can happen.  Talking about bullies, victims, bystanders (those who witness offensive behavior but don’t do anything to stop it), and upstanders (people who actively try to stop cyberbullyingwill help them understand what roles they play or could play.  Check out this helpful reference sheet for how to encourage positive posting online.: http://bit.ly/KindOnline2


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