2/23/18 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Canvas:  Parent/Guardian Parent Night: Parents and guardians are invited to a Canvas Parent Night at Sunset High School on Monday, February 26 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm for a slice of pizza, and time to learn about Canvas, our Learning Management System (LMS). Come explore how to navigate Canvas and see how teachers who are using Canvas post assignments, give feedback, and communicate with students.  You will have an opportunity to create your own Parent/Guardian Canvas account. This allows you to see what your students are working on in their classes.  If you have already created an account you will have an opportunity learn how to successfully navigate Canvas.  Student leaders are available to help entertain younger children as you work with us.  If you are interested, please RSVP here: http://bit.ly/RSVPparentcanvas

Library: Mark your calendar: it is almost time for the César E. Chávez Leadership Conference the largest high school student event for Latino high school students in Oregon. Each year, nearly 2200 students and staff attend leadership workshops, visit college/career exhibitor fair and listen to distinguished keynote speakers. Students from participating schools are eligible to compete in an art, essay, poetry, video, Outstanding Leader, and college scholarship competition.  Click here for more info: http://bit.ly/CesarEChavezconference
Digital Citizenship:   Students believe that they know how to talk not only on, but talk about social media.  As parents, it isn't so easy.  With new apps, logins, etc., navigating these conversations hold their own complexities.  Common Sense Media wants to help.  Click here for common questions, answers, real student feedback, and guides to approach productive conversations with your students: http://bit.ly/socialmediadiscuss


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