3/16/18 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Pride in BSD Future Ready Innovation:  The Beaverton School District is holding an Innovation Expo on March 21st at Aloha High School from 5p-8p to showcase and celebrate fantastic ideas that are happening across our district.  Come prepared to be amazed at what our students learn, do, and make on their path to becoming Future Ready.  For more information, check out the website at: (http://www.bsdexpo.com/)   Food for purchase provided by our very own Westview HS Culinary program.  We'd love to see you there!    http://bit.ly/ix18flyer  http://bit.ly/ix18spanish

Library: Last week we experienced virtual college campus tours during our library Tinker Tuesday.  Next week we will be driving toward Spring Break coding with Spheros.  Small, programmable, highly adaptable robots, coding with Sphero illustrates the fun in coding for everyone.  Check out this video about what Sphero can do: http://bit.ly/librarysphero and encourage your student to stop by the library on Tinker Tuesday during lunch to check it out.
Digital Citizenship:   Have you ever shared a story with a friend and realized later it just wasn't true?  As this phenomenon has taken on a life of its own on the internet, spreading to social media and unreliable news sources, the term 'fake news' was born.  Supplying a toolbox of veracity checkers is one way to help our students navigate the stories they encounter both on and offline.  A great starting point is checking a story or fact through Snopes.com.  Have a story you'd like to check?  Try it out: http://bit.ly/snopes101  


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