3/23/18 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Canvas:  Wondering if your students have homework over break?  This is just a reminder that a Canvas Observer account has been created for all parents in the BSD school district.  This will allow you to see Canvas assignments your students have, due dates, etc.  Haven't logged in yet?  Click here for more information: http://bit.ly/WHScanvasforparents or here for a quick guide: http://bit.ly/whscanvasquick

Library: Spring break is here!  This is just a reminder that your WCCLS eLibrary Card allows you to reserve a CulturalPass, which grants free entrance into places like the Japanese Gardens, Wings and Waves waterpark, Pittock Mansion and more.  Don't have a card yet?  Just follow this link http://bit.ly/onlinewccls to get your library card today.  Want to reserve a CuturalPass online: http://bit.ly/wcclspass

Digital Citizenship:   Prices rise and fall, what are we to do?  As we are instructing our students to be good digital citizens, understanding how to use online services to verifying prices on sites such as http://bit.ly/camelcamelcamel2 can help. Utilizing this tool, you can reinforce how to use checks and balances when searching online.  This free Amazon price tracker monitors millions of products and alerts you when prices drop, helping you be an informed shopper when using the internet.


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