4/20/18 Friday Folder
WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner
Canvas: Still haven't set up your parent Canvas account? Check out the district resource webpage for help: http://bit.ly/WHScanvasforparents Need more? Here is a quick-guide with pictures on page 2: http://bit.ly/whscanvasquick Once you join, stay connected with us! Consider joining our new Wildcats Alumni page: http://bit.ly/alumniwhs for updates on events, alumni activities, and more. Go Wildcats!
Library: Come celebrate Portland’s creative youth during our sixth annual Verselandia! poetry slam. Verselandia! is the Grand Slam for the winners from individual school slams hosted by public high school library media specialists, it is held on the 26th. Information can be found http://bit.ly/studentpoetry
Digital Citizenship: "The internet has a memory?" As we work toward assisting our students in better digital citizenship practices and knowledge, helping them to understand how long the internet's memory is, and how hard it is to permanently delete anything once it is online is an important lesson. We recently shared The Wayback Machine with students in their community classes. Follow this link to explore more than 327 billion web pages that have been saved over time http://bit.ly/DCwayback .
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