5/11/18 Friday Folder
WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner
Canvas: Wondering what is happening in your student's classes? Sign up for a Canvas parent account. For help, check out the district resource webpage: http://bit.ly/WHScanvasforparents Need more? Here is a quick-guide with pictures on page 2: http://bit.ly/whscanvasquick Once you join, stay connected with us! Consider joining our new WildcatsAlumni page: http://bit.ly/alumniwhs for updates on events, alumni activities, and more. Go Wildcats!
Library: Need help getting your digital photos organized, adding an app to your smartphone or updating your email contacts? Cedar Mill Library offers drop-in Technology Open Lab twice a week. Technology Open Lab meets on Tuesday mornings, 10 am – Noon and Thursday afternoons, 3-5 pm. in the upstairs meeting room. Bring your own computer, tablet, smart phone or e-reader with you to get assistance or use one of our laptops to practice. No registration is required, but there is limited space each session. For more information, click here: http://bit.ly/cmopenlab18
Digital Citizenship: Students are often surprised that prices online differ depending on the day of the week or on the site which they are looking at. As we are instructing our students to be good digital citizens, understanding how to use online services to verifying prices on sites such as http://bit.ly/camelcamelcamel2 can help. Utilizing this tool, you can reinforce how to use checks and balances when searching online. This free Amazon price tracker monitors millions of products and alerts you when prices drop, helping you be an informed shopper when using the internet.
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