5/25/18 Friday Folder

WHS Library, Chrome, and Canvas Corner

Chromebooks:  The Beaverton School District community passed a bond in 2014 that included money for student technology.  This resulted in the district purchasing Chromebooks and iPads for student use, including the ability for most middle and high schools kids to bring a device home with them during the school year.  We would like feedback from parents on how well this student technology that the bond provided has worked for your child(ren) to inform future device purchasing decisions.  Click here to complete the survey:  http://bit.ly/chromebookfeedbackparents

Library:  Summer is almost upon us, and for the first time, Cedar Mill library has an online process for signing up for their Summer Reading Program (click here: http://bit.ly/CMsummerreading18)   Enjoy being read to, reading on your own, or listening to audiobooks. Adults can participate too! Ages birth to 18 can earn a free book, online badges, and incentives.  You can also use SYNC, which is a free summer audiobook program for teens 13+ that gives away two complete audiobook downloads a week - pairs of high interest titles, based on weekly themes until July 26th, 2018.   Once you download the eBook, it is yours to keep.  Check out the titles and the dates (also located on our WHS Canvas Library page) herehttp://bit.ly/sync18

Digital Citizenship:  Do you have a student who loves the library and wants to learn?  Cedar Mill Community Libraries are accepting applications for the Teen Library Council.  The mission of the Council is to assist the library in creating events and developing resources that fulfill the needs and interests of teens and to promote the library to teens and the community. Tell us about any strengths, skills, training or experience that make you a good Teen Library Council candidate, application due June 1st:  http://bit.ly/librarycouncil18


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